The pianist begins in Warsaw, Poland in 1939, first introducing Wladyslaw Szpilman as a pianist for the local radio. He is soon introduced to Dorota, who accompanies him around Warsaw to learn of the injustice Jewish people have to face. We soon see Wladyslaw and his family, with one brother and two sisters and living parents, as a tightly nit jewish family with different opinions of the war.
The movie moves foward as with the war, where soon enough the family has to move to the ghetto emplaced by Nazi rule; And soon his brother Henryk and sisters Helena and Regina are forced away to camp. They come back, but Henryk is thrown away again and saved by Wladyslaw. The next scene is the father aquiring working papers through a friend of Wadysaw, but ultimately that doesn't work and it's not long before the rest of the family, minus Wladyslaw, and nearly all the other people from his village are sent off on trains. Wladyslaw is saved by Itzak Heller, a Jewish man working as a police guard. He hides out, but apparently is recaptured and years have passed when you see him building a wall. He thinks he sees Dorota, but she passes quickly. While in the ghetto, with the help of friend (who was the friend that got his father working papers) Majorek, he escapes and finds Dorota and her brother to live with. He first stays with Schutzpolizei, and then has his own place. An accident involving him making a loud noise with dishes, he has to scurry out being chased by an angry German woman. He winds back at Dorota's who now is married, pregnant, and her brother dead. He then stays in another place, where there is a piano, in which he grows ill. Soon, Nazis start attacking the building and he has to flee, ultimately copping over a wall and hiding out in a small building on the other side of the ghetto, completely abandoned. He stays there without trouble until a Nazi Captain Wilm Hosenfeld finds him. But moved by his piano playing, he ends up helping Wladyslaw survive. The movie closes out with the war ending and the captain in a detainee's cage, and an attempt by Wladyslaw to help him. Although he can't, he goes back to piano playing.
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